Email forwarding
If you want to contact a woman by email to make your correspondence go fast, but the woman doesn't have a personal email address, our letter forwarding service is for you. You can send a letter to any woman in our catalog; your letter then received by the local marriage agency which uploaded woman's profile to our photo catalog, the letter is translated from English into Russian and printed together with your photo and data from the Men's Catalog; after that the agency informs the woman about a letter for her. When the woman brings her reply to the agency, the agency interpreter translates the letter into English, types it, and then the letter is sent to you through special working terminal.
To send a letter to a woman costs 1 POINT; to read a reply from a woman costs 1 POINT.
SPECIAL OFFER! Read first letter from lady and answer her same day with 50% discount: for 0.50 POINTs instead of regular cost of 1 POINT. You should write answer to lady's first letter within 24 hours from the moment of opening lady's intro. To use this discount you should have at least 1 POINT at your account.
How to send a letter
If you are interested in a girl who hasn't written you before - simply send her a message from her personal page at One In A Million by clicking on the "E-mail me now" button next to the woman's photo. The same applies if a woman has written you already, though in the latter case you can write a girl back replying to her letter in your Inbox at your personal account at One In A Million. When you send your letter to a chosen Russian bride your e-mail message is received in our office in the woman's native city. Local marriage agency interpreters translate your message into girl's native language (Russian, Ukrainian, or other) and the office-manager informs the woman that a message is waiting for her. If it is the first time you contact the lady, together with your letter she receives your information and photo you have in your profile in Men Catalog. When the woman receives your message - women usually prefer to come to the marriage agency office to pick their letters up - she is able to write a response immediately in the office if she prefers, or she may think it over at home and then bring her reply to the agency to translate and forward to you.
Introduction letters
Women who get registered at an International marriage agency will not sit and wait until men write them, they will come to the agency office, search through men's catalog, and send letters to men they like. Such letters we call "letters of introduction". A letter of introduction is a letter written by the woman about herself, she gives there more information than in the profile. This letter of introduction is translated and sent by the agency per woman's request to all the men chosen by her in the men's catalog. If you get a letter of introduction from a woman, it means she thinks you are her potential match, she wants to correspond with you, find out more about you and see whether you can develop serious relations leading to marriage. If you get a letter of introduction, it does not mean the woman will marry you, or wants to meet you in person tomorrow, or imatiently waits for you to come to visit her at her home address; it only means she liked something about you and wants to know more. Usually a letter of introduction is sent to more than one man, and if you do not reply do not expect a woman to remember that she once contacted you - she will remember guys who replied and with whom she exchanged several letters.
To read a letter of introduction from a woman costs 0.25 of a POINT.
Keep tracking of letters
As soon as you register at One In A Million, a personal account is created for you. All inquiries you send, letters you write or receive are stored in the respective sections of your account. Letters from women arrive to the Inbox, in the Sent Mail folder you can see letters you have written to women through our website, and Trash is for the letters you delete. Letters from your Mailboxes are deleted automatically after 60 days. Each letter you write or receive is accompanied with a woman's photo and information; the photo of a woman is also a link to her detailed profile. Notifications about all letters you receive are sent to your email; you can choose not to receive such notifications, receive them once a day, or once a week. You can do it through Account Options.
Photo forwarding
Men and women who are in Internet relations want to get as much information about each other as possible, and visual information is very important. That is why we offer you to use our photo-forwarding services. You can send women you correspond with photos in addition to the photo you have in your profile. Try to exchange photos that show your real life, your family (parents, children), friends, pictures showing you working, having rest, photos of your neighbourhood, etc. Ask women to do the same: first of all you will see how she lives, and, which is even more important, you will see how the woman looks in real life. Pictures in the profile show the best of her, in nice clothes and with good make-up. But you can be 90 per cent sure she doesn't look like this every day.
To send or receive 1 additional photo costs 0.5 of a POINT.
To sum up the costs of our services you need when correpsond with women in our catalog, here's the prices-list:
Reading a letter of introduction from a woman - 0.25 of a POINT
Writing a letter to a woman - 1 POINT
Reading a reply from a woman - 1 POINT
Sending 1 additional photo to a woman - 0.5 of a POINT
Receiving 1 additional photo from a woman - 0.5 of a POINT
Letter writing tips
How to succeed in developing Internet relations through letters? What should you tell and which topics you should avoid? How many women should you write to? We hope an article about letter writing will answer your questions on how to proceed in the Internet dating and, hopefully, will help you to avoid common mistakes.