Buying service package subscription


PLUS get as a bonus free Inquiries, opportunity to watch video for free, plus our subscribers can send longer letters for the cost of 1 POINT.

Becoming a subscriber to One In A Million you get discounts on POINTs, thus reducing the cost of emails, Inquiries, gifts;

The following terms of subscription are available at One In A Million:

  • 3 MONTHS - 75.00 USD

  • • 1 month - 25.00 USD

  • 1 MONTH - 50.00 USD

  • • 1 month - 50.00 USD

You can see that the longer the term of the subscription is, the less each month of the subscription costs you: from 50.00 USD to 25.00 USD for 1 month of service package subscription.

Service package subscription offer is what you need IF:

Two great offers for subscribers only! For a reasonable fee! You pay once and get both!

you are going to send many emails through our email forwarding system and want to make it cheaper.

Being a subscriber you can contact women from the catalog with a letter or an Inquiry for our usual charge: 1 POINT for sending a letter, 0.25 of a POINT for an Inquiry. BUT! For the cost of 1 POINT our subscribers can send much longer letters then non-subscribers (consult the table below), plus for our subscribers 1 POINT costs cheaper than for non-subscribers: we have developed a special system of discounts for our active subscribers. The longer your service package subscription term is, the more POINTs are added to your account every time you buy POINTs: 1-2 months subscribers get 2%, 3 months subscribers get 3% of the bought POINTs. Those who have been our subscription for 24 months and more get 11% of the bought POINTs to the account. For example, if you bought 3 months service package subscription and buy 50 POINTs, you get 51.5 POINTs to your account. Note! Service package subscription POINTs are not added with payments for more than 50 POINTs.
you are going to watch videos of as many women as you can and want to make it cheaper

To watch one video usually costs from 0.25 of a POINT to 1 POINT depending on the content of the video. You want to be sure that the lady really looks as in her photos, want to hear how she talks, and see how she moves. With an active service package subscription you can watch 20 videos monthly for free.
• You choose the term of the subscription - the longer this term is the less each month of the subscription costs you.
• You pay for subscription and immediately get 10 Inquiries and 20 free videos to your account;
• You choose women with video in our Russian women catalog, look through their profiles, watch 20 video for free, and choose 10 women to send Inquiries;
• You get positive answers to your Inquiries. You are sure the women are real and interested!
• You buy POINTs (getting subscription bonus) and write letters to these women through emial forwarding system.

Choose the term of the service package subscription

Consult the table to deside which term of the subscription you want, compare services for subscribers and non-subscribers:




Symbols limit in one letter for the cost of

Bonus for buying POINTs

1 month





3 months






0.25 POINTs
for an Inquiry

0.25-0.5-1 POINT
for a video

every 100 symbols cost 0.02 of a POINT


Choose currency that suits you best:

Our clients can choose one of the three currencies for payment. You can choose the currency which is more convenient for you from the list of USD, EUR and GBP. We advise to choose the currency of your credit card account: thus you will avoid currency conversion fee that is usually taken by your bank. The currency exchange rate is taken from and updated regularly.


Cost in GBP

Cost in EUR

Cost in CHF

Cost in USD

Cost in CAD

Cost in AUD


£ 64.69

€ 76.75

CHF 71.60

$ 75.00

C$ 113.15

A$ 127.40


£ 43.12

€ 51.16

CHF 47.73

$ 50.00

C$ 75.43

A$ 84.93


We do not provide unlimited correspondence service. Your subscription is registered the day you pay and ends 1-3 months after this date. If you buy new subscription before your existing subscription expires your subscription is prolonged further, all your privileges will be saved. If you do not manage to use all Inquiries and watch all video free during the time of your subscription they will expire. However, if you prolong your subscription before the expiration date, you will save unused Inquiries and videos. Bonuses do not sum up, the higher bonus will be applied. For example, if you have one-month service package subscription bonus of 2% and use "limited time offer" proposition for 25% bonus with a certain payment, you will be getting 25% with this payment, not 2% and not 27%. Have questions about subscription? Visit the FAQ section or contact us.


Video package :

Buying the package of video you get possibility to view video clips for the girls with considerable discount.
According to our regular price-list to view one video costs 1 POINT = 7.50 USD.
If you buy video package you make one video review much cheaper, up to 2 USD per one video review.

Introduction letters Package :

Buying the package of intro you get possibility to read letters of introduction you receive from girls with considerable discount.
According to our regular price-list to read one intro costs 0.25 POINT = 1.88 USD.
If you buy intro package you make one introduction letter much cheaper, up to 0.50 USD per reading an intro letter.

Correspondence Package :

If you are not going to buy POINTs in bulk and want to correspond with ONE girl only, you should consider buying the package of correspondence.
You buy a package of 3 letters + 3 replies for 34 USD or 5 letters + 5 replies for 52 USD thus making one letter cheaper.
Please, note: correspondence package does not include reading a letter of introduction from the lady. To read a letter of introduction, that is first letter a lady sent to you, will cost you usual 0.25 of a POINT.

On-line Chat Package :

For those who like saving money! We offer you our new package of service - on-line chat minutes.
This package will suit those customers who are more into on-line chat than into writing letters.
Normally, you pay for on-line chat in POINTs.
Each minute of chat costs you 0.096 POINTs for a text chat, 0.192 for a video chat with one web-camera on, and 0.288 when both lady's and your cameras are turned on.
Considering the cost of 1 POINT 5 USD (in case you buy 50 POINTs for 250 USD), you pay 0.48 USD per minute.
Considering the cost of 1 POINT 6 USD (in case you buy most popular 16 POINTs for 96 USD), you pay 0.576 USD per minute.
Buying our on-line minutes service package you will pay as little as 0.41 USD per minute!
1) You buy package for 250 USD. In this package 1 minute costs 0.41 usd. You get 600 minutes to your account.
2) You buy package for 200 USD. In this package 1 minute costs 0.41 usd. You get 480 minutes to your account.
3) You buy package for 130 USD. In this package 1 minute costs 0.43 usd. You get 300 minutes to your account.
4) You buy package for 96 USD. In this package 1 minute costs 0.45 usd. You get 210 minutes to your account.
5) You buy package for 85 USD. In this package 1 minute costs 0.47 usd. You get 180 minutes to your account.
6) You buy package for 60 USD. In this package 1 minute costs 0.50 usd. You get 120 minutes to your account.
7) You buy package for 32 USD. In this package 1 minute costs 0.53 usd. You get 60 minutes to your account.
8) You buy package for 18 USD. In this package 1 minute costs 0.60 usd. You get 30 minutes to your account.
* No additional bonuses or discounts are applied.