What is IMBRA?
IMBRA is an abbreviation for International Marriage Broker Regulation Act which imposes restrictions on communication between female clients of any marriage agency (marriage broker) and foreign men. According to this Act the United States client should provide the International Marriage Broker with the future disclosure to potential United States client's partner in marriage, with certain background information before he and his potential partner in marriage exchange any direct contact information. There are civil and criminal penalties on the broker for violations of this Law. But, the Law applies to US companies owned and operated in the USA, (even if they have a matchmaker subsidiary or sub-division abroad). It would likely be very difficult to enforce this law on a non-US company. Since our agency is officially registered in Ukraine, the penalties by this Law can't be imposed on us, BUT: what is more important than penalties is how non-compliance with this Law could affect your bride's chances to get Fiancee Visa: if in the beginning of your contact the woman did not have all this information, it is possible that she will NOT get her Fiancee Visa.
How non-disclosure of the background information can affect the US client?
According to International Marriage Broker Regulation Act of 2005 after filing a petition for a K non-immigrant visa, the United States client will be subject to a criminal background check. The Consular Officer at interview will provide the visa applicant (your bride from Ukraine, Russia, or any other country than the USA) with a copy of the fiancee or spousal petition, and information and documents in her native language on any past marital and divorce history, past criminal history and past domestic violence history of the petitioner. The Consular Officer will also ask the visa applicant if the relationship was facilitated by an International Marriage Broker and, if so, confirm that the broker provided the applicant with information or documents about the petitioner's background. So, IF in the beginning of your contact the woman did not have all this information, it is possible that she will NOT get her Fiancee Visa.
Information to be disclosed:
According to International Marriage Broker Regulation Act of 2005 the United States client should provide us, International Marriage Broker, with the future disclosure to potential United States client's partner in marriage, with the following information:
Any court order restricting United States client's physical contact or communication with or behavior towards another person, including any temporary or permanent civil restraining order or protection order.
Any arrest or conviction of United States client's for homicide, murder, manslaughter, assault, battery, domestic violence, rape, sexual assault, abusive sexual contact, sexual exploitation, incest, child abuse or neglect, torture, trafficking, peonage, holding hostage, involuntary servitude, slave trade, kidnapping, abduction, unlawful criminal restraint, false imprisonment, stalking, or any similar activity in violation of Federal, State or local criminal law.
Any arrest or conviction of the client or person for prostitution (solely or principally engaging in, or facilitating prostitution; any direct or indirect attempts to procure prostitutes or persons for the purpose of prostitution; or any receipt, in whole or in part, of the proceeds of prostitution)
Marital history of the United States client, including whether the client is currently married; whether the client has previously been married and how many times; how previous marriages of the client were terminated and the date of termination; whether the client has previously sponsored the immigration of an alien to whom the client or person was engaged or married.
The ages of any children of the client or person under the age of 18.
All States in which the client or person has resided since the age of 18.
IMBRA compliance
How do you know whether an International Marriage broker (that is the term used to name any marriage agency or dating web-site), complies with the International Marriage Broker Regulation Act? Agencies that comply with this Act will offer you to fill in the so-called IMBRA form, and later provide any girl whom you write with the information you give in this form. Be sure to provide correct information.